In the video below you can watch the Kuka Agilus KR-6 robot composing a Lego toy car. Matador and Photoneo participated in this robotic cell. The cell is owned by the Aurelium experience center and was implemented on the premises of the National Robotics Center. The cell was also used in one bachelor’s thesis.
National Centre of Robotics has contributed to the reconstruction of several rooms at FEI STU. New laboratory for mobile robotics has come into existence and also work-room was innovated. Another laboratory, which continues within these rooms, is laboratory of robotic manipulation, which was reconstructed in cooperation with company Photoneo. Laboratory is actually focused on task … read more
Considering the activities in current spaces of NCR we and Faculty of electrical engineering and information technology decided to expand our space by another laboratories. First laboratory (see pictures below) is focused on research in mobile and service robotics. Original spaces will therefore be used specifically for industrial robotics. Second laboratory is Laboratory of automated … read more