The National Centre of Robotics is part of EDIH called EXPANDI 4.0. What specific services does this EDIH offer? What should small and medium-sized enterprises focus on today, and how can the government help them? These questions were also answered by our partners from the consortium, Michal Műhl, project manager of EXPANDI 4.0 and representative of the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency, and Martin Morháč, chairman of the board of SOVA Digital. And what’s the best part? The services offered by EXPANDI 4.0 are fully funded by the European Commission and the Recovery and Resilience Plan. And therefore, even companies that could not afford such services due to capacity or financial reasons can access them now. More in the video below (Slovak language).
Posted in: News | Tags: EDIH, EXPANDI4.0
Národné centrum robotiky
Ilkovičova 3
841 04 Bratislava
IČO: 42365040
NCR je konzorčným partnerom projektu: Expanding Digitalisation of Industry (4.0) in Slovakia – EXPANDI 4.0
Projekt EXPANDI 4.0 je financovaný z prostriedkov programu Digitálna Európa a Plánu obnovy a odolnosti SR.