Intensive teaching takes place in National Centre of Robotics. Both subjects are focused on robotics and their names are Robotics and Control of mobile robots. In the first subject, students of the 3rd year of bachelor study learn to calibrate a tool of industrial robot. Control of mobile robots takes place in newly reconstructed area designed for mobile robot applications. This space is equipped with a test area, where students learn to successfully localize and navigate Kobuki robots. These robots are equipped with RPLidar and IMU units. How the students were successful with their algorithms will be sawn in the competition on the last lecture. The test area was created thankt ot the support of the APVV-16-0006 Testovacia plocha vznikla aj vďaka podpore projektu APVV-16-0006 (Automated robotic assembly cell as an instrument of concept Industry 4.0).
Posted in: News | Tags: Kobuki, mobile robots, robotics, teaching