Tagged: Agent Optimization

Optimization of the number of agents, as a result of the Better Factory project

Jan 16, 2023 |

The National Centre of Robotics participates in the Better Factory project funded by European Comission. As part of this project, NCR developed the Agent Optimization module for the open-source Logistic Library (OPIL). Currently, the module has been verified as part of the Better Factory project experiments. The module is based on the methodology of prof. … read more

Optimalizácia počtu agentov, ako výsledok projektu Better Factory

Jan 16, 2023 |

Národné centrum robotiky sa zúčastňuje medzinárodného projektu Better Factory. V rámci tohto projektu NCR realizovalo vývoj modulu Agent Optimization pre open source knižnicu Logistic Library (OPIL). V súčasnosti bol modul overený v rámci experimentov v projekte Better Factory. Modul je postavený na základe metodológie prof. Groovera, ktorá bola uvedená v publikácií Automation, Production Systems, and … read more