Tagged: EDIH

Solutions for the digital transformation of the companies

Mar 28, 2023 |

The National Centre of Robotics is part of EDIH called EXPANDI 4.0. What specific services does this EDIH offer? What should small and medium-sized enterprises focus on today, and how can the government help them? These questions were also answered by our partners from the consortium, Michal Műhl, project manager of EXPANDI 4.0 and representative … read more

NCR is part of the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH)

Nov 14, 2022 |

The National Centre of Robotics is a partner of the funded Expandi 4.0 project, which is based on the idea of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH). Among other services, small and medium-sized enterprises will be provided with access to technologies and infrastructures, space for testing and experimentation, as well as advice on technological solutions, increasing … read more

NCR je súčasťou Európskeho Digitálneho Inovačného Hubu (EDIH)

Nov 14, 2022 |

Národné centrum robotiky je partnerom financovaného projektu Expandi 4.0, ktorého základom je myšlienka Európskych Digitálnych Inovačných Hubov (EDIH). Malým a stredným podnikom bude okrem iných služieb poskytovať prístup k technológiám a infraštruktúram, priestor na testovanie a experimentovanie, ale aj poradenstvo pri technologických riešeniach, zvyšovaní digitálnych zručností zamestnancov, či pri získavaní finančnej podpory. EXPANDI 4.0 spúšťa … read more